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Books 'n Stuff

The Subtle Knife

The Subtle Knife - Philip Pullman

Synopsis: Lyra enters a new world, Cittagazze, and meets an ally from another world beyond that. Together they brave soul eating spectres and the nakedly evil ambitions of Mrs Coulter as they unravel the mystery of Dust.


The Subtle Knife is the second book of Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. As before the book is full of mysteries and questions. Somehow even after I had finished the book and all the questions I had had about what was going on had been answered I still felt like there were answers to be had. To be able to infuse a story with this kind of enduring mystery is a rare talent indeed. Pullman is a master of the pen.


Its epic in its size and scope. Two children on a journey spanning worlds to challenge the highest of powers...the potential here is immense and so far it doesn't disappoint.





General rating: 4 1/2

Epic rating: 4 1/2